They are showing a clear money grab target, and introducing expenses everyone using their product will have to pay. forcing upgrades with little to offer the average customer in return. And within the last year, they doubled the licensing cost for many. yet everyone who has (who had a clear legal agreement about the payment and what licensing meant) will now be hit by surprise fees. You can't get a pro or plus license with out committing to 12 months.
Not only is your product stolen, but Unity will make you pay them for it. So, when anyone's game gets hacked to bypass purchasing, and then downloaded by who knows how many, Unity will still charge you for it. They are aware of the install because when adding it to the system, it sends a notification to Unity. Pennies? 200K installs at 20 cents each is pennies? How much money do you have? Also, Unity has absolutely 0 concept of what other licenses and protections you have.